Unleashing the Power of Community: Why I Joined the Chamber and How It Transformed My Leadership Journey

As CEOs, we often find ourselves neck-deep in the day-to-day operations of our companies, tirelessly driving growth and success. But I've discovered a ‘secret sauce’ that adds deeper meaning to our role, which is active community involvement. 

Picture this: It's 2018, and after a decade of focused dedication at Low Country Case and Millworks (LCCM), I found myself craving something different… something impactful to reignite my energy and excitement. That's when I made a game-changing decision to join the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce. 

Read on, because I'm about to share how this decision brought me closer to visionary business leaders while giving me the chance to make a real difference in our community.

The Chamber's Mission: Fueling Positive Change:

What drew me to the Charleston Metro Chamber was the remarkable mission and unwavering commitment to creating a thriving community. This dynamic organization encompasses the tri-county region and boasts over 1,600 businesses in its network. It's also one of the two Chambers in South Carolina that has a full-time lobbyist in Columbia, fighting tooth and nail for our business priorities at the state level. If I'm going to invest my time, resources, and hard-earned money into an organization, you bet I want it to have the horsepower to make a real impact!

Hoping for Positive Outcomes:

My journey with the Chamber has taken me through a multitude of areas, including advocacy, talent development, diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I), and leadership. 

I've been knee-deep in advocacy and government relations. And believe me, the legislative process is not for the faint of heart. We celebrate our small wins year after year, with individual bills making their way to victory. Some initiatives I cherish most are the Union Pier Development, the Lowcountry Rapid Transit, and the Perimeter Protection Wall. These game-changing initiatives are ones to watch, and I can't wait to see them through to completion.

Positive Changes through Chamber Engagement:

The relationships I've forged through Chamber events, committees, and programs have been nothing short of life-changing. You know that saying, "Surround yourself with greatness"? Well, the Chamber is chock-full of incredible business leaders who radiate success. The guidance and mentorship I've received from these trailblazers have been priceless. They've given me with fresh perspectives and ignited my passion for making a difference.

But, it doesn’t stop there. The Chamber isn't just great for networking—it's a goldmine of learning opportunities and community engagement. To truly make a dent in your community, you've got to dive headfirst into the issues at hand. And that's where the Chamber's Leadership Charleston program comes in. From 12 months of an immersive exploration into the military, our education system, non-profits, legislature, and law enforcement—we have our hands in all of the important issues. 

I'm currently serving on the Board of the Chamber's Political Action Committee (PAC). In the 2022 local election, a whopping 92% of the candidates endorsed by the PAC came out victorious. These candidates don't just get a stamp of approval—they go through a rigorous interview process and align with the Chamber's legislative priorities, set by the business community. 

Juggling Multiple Roles:

There are 3 habits that allow me to invest my time and energy as CEO of LCCM, father, husband, and active community member:

#1 Prioritizing and Scheduling: You know what they say, "Work hard, play hard!" I've learned to embrace the wisdom of Stephen Covey and put it into action. My calendar has become my best friend, color-coded to include not just business and Chamber commitments, but also those precious moments with my loved ones, friends, and, of course, some "me" time. If it's not on the calendar, it's not happening—that's the golden rule I live by!

#2 Building an Empowered Team: Let's face it, we can't do it all alone. So, I've made it my mission to build a dream team within my organization—people who are competent, driven, and eager to make a mark. We've established crystal-clear core values that serve as our compass, empowering team members to make decisions aligned with our vision, without constantly relying on my input. This liberation allows me to focus on strategic initiatives and community engagement while they work their magic.

#3 Effective Delegation: Delegation is a true game-changer when done right. The secret sauce is finding individuals who possess both competence and integrity. Can they do the job? Check. Will they do it to our standards? Double-check. Investing time in finding or training such rockstars pays off big time, freeing up valuable hours and enabling our team to thrive.

My journey with the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce has taught me that it's not just about driving success within the confines of our companies—it's about creating a lasting impact beyond those walls. Together, we can make a real difference in our communities, ignite positive change, and leave a legacy worth celebrating. I encourage all CEOS to supercharge our leadership journeys through meaningful community involvement.


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